The Wins and Wows from the World of Wink

Let’s hear a drum roll for the highlights of Wink’s official review of 2022, as told by the creative and poetic minds of the Winkettes.

Are you ready?!

‘Twas the last days of work for 2022,
So, a year in review, yes that’s what we’ll do. 
The clients are merry, the goals are all kicked,
after a caffeine-fueled year, we’re ready for St Nick. 
Wink’s team has grown big and we’ve won lots of awards,
But kicking goals for our clients, is the biggest reward!
With thousands of hours spent meeting on Teams,
the Winkettes have operated like well-oiled machines. 
Partners onboarded, hot offers promoted,
outstanding achievements have, of course, been applauded. 
So, thank you and cheers to our valued support crew
Quick, pop the champagne before this poem is through!
Next year, we’re excited for all that’s in store,
We wish you a relaxing festive season with pavlova and more. 
Just one final rhyme before we disappear from sight, 
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
*Wink, bow to applause & exit stage left*

If you want to be part of our review of 2023 (don’t worry, we’ll work on a better title that rhymes with three) reach out to the team at Wink to find out how we can help your business grow.